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Three Easy Emergency Readiness Tips

Packing an emergency bag with canned food, bottled water, car keys, and first aid items.

Fire season is fast approaching. Planning now for an evacuation and having a game plan can save lives, time, and resources. There are so many things to keep in mind while preparing for an emergency, but we want to focus on some tips most people don’t consider right away. Here’s three basic tips to help you prepare for a natural disaster or emergency.

#1. Prepare for power outages

In the event of a natural disaster, public safety power shut offs are used to reduce the power system from becoming the source of ignition in high-risk areas. You may not know ahead of time if these proactive outages are coming, and for how long you’ll be without power. Typically, it can last anywhere from minutes to days, depending on whether and wind conditions in your area. We recommend putting together an emergency kit with flashlights, batteries, non-perishable foods, potable water or a way to filter water, a first aid kit, and any medications you or your family may need. We advise to getting a backup generator if possible. They can come in handy in the event you experience a power outage!

#2 Have your evacuation plan ready

This includes having a floor plan of your home and a designated meeting spot if possible. We recommend you draw out the floor plan of your home, using separate pages for each level of your home, and make sure everyone understands the drawings, including any children. Next, you’ll need to establish a meeting place in the event of an emergency. Make sure everyone in your home knows where this meeting spot is at, and how to get to it. Emergencies and natural disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. We recommend you have a backup plan for what to do should a disaster strike while you’re at work, or out and about. It’s a good idea to have all your bases covered!

#3 Have an emergency contact

In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, make sure everyone knows who the emergency contact is. This can be a family friend or relative. It’s important that everyone has their phone number saved, and preferably memorized. In the event of a natural disaster, it may be easier for this person to reach out to the rest of your family while you focus on getting to safety.

When an emergency or natural disaster strikes, you may not have time to prepare. Having these plans in place ahead of time can help ease the stress of the moment and give you and your family the ability to focus on staying safe.  Keep up to date with us here, or follow us on social media for even more preparedness and prevention tips!

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